Is It Time To Remove My Tree?

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If you ever notice that something looks odd on your tree, you should examine it closely.  Follow the tips below to visually inspect your tree:

1. Start from the ground up, begin at the roots checking to see if you have heaving soil at the base of the trunk and beneath the canopy.  Look for severed roots, signs of decay or fungi, such as mushrooms, growing at the base of the trunk.

2. Check the trees root collar (the area of the trunk just above the soil).  Look for peeling or loose bark and cracks or deep slits.

3. Check out the rest of the trunk for signs of decay.  Look for signs of swelling, cavities, soft or decaying wood or small holes.

4. Look up to the canopy (the upper layer of branches and leaves).  Look for:

  – Dead or dying branches that hang low, lack bark and have no leaves

  – Weak, V-shaped branches, where two branches have grown together

  – Extremely thick, dense canopies that could break easily

  – Check for leaf problems such as spots, holes, odd colors or deformed leaves

  – Dead sections of bark on branches or limbs

  – Leaning limbs or branches

If you notice any of the above mentioned problems with your tree, it may be time to consult a professional to help inspect your trees for damage and determine the best solutions for the benefit of your landscape.




The tree is putting people or property in danger

If you think your tree needs to come down, you want to get an expert opinion as soon as possible.  An unstable tree that could fall really puts you at risk!  Mature trees are extremely heavy and can do a ton of damage.  If your dead tree falls on its own and damages your property, you’ll more than likely have to pay for the expenses out of your pocket.  Many homeowner insurance policies don’t cover tree damage if determined the tree should have been removed before a storm.

Tree roots are breaking your sidewalk or driveway

Tree roots can grow too much and cause damage and a stumbling risk.  Unrestricted tree growth can cause the roots to expand in places where you don’t expect them to show up.  It’s best to have the tree and stump removed to stop any further damage.

The tree is developing excessively near the home or other structure

This can cause some serious damage, especially during a storm with high winds.  Branches can break over your home, garage or vehicle.  Beaver Tree Service, LLC will inspect your tree structure and positioning to ensure the proper actions are taken.  Keeping your family and property safe is our number one priority.

Trees are blocking your view

If you have a gorgeous view but you have trees blocking it, consider having some trees removed to clear your view.  This not only will increase the value of your home, but will make your space feel bigger and spacious.

Tree droppings are just too much

If your tree is dropping little branches or pine needles, over producing flowers or fruit that are littering your landscape, drawing in bugs or is just too much to keep up with, you may want to consider having the tree removed and putting in an alternative to replace it.


As you can see, there are many reason you might want to consider having a tree removed.


If you would like to have your tree inspected or removed, give us a call for a free, in-person estimate.  Office:  (334) 347-6119 or Cell:  (334) 379-2549.